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  1.  Lichess Chess 960
  2. Forum
  3. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis

Feel free to share your Chess960 games of which you are proud of, find cool in some way, or there has been an interesting tactic or strategical motif, or maybe simply something you'd like to analyse, discuss etc. etc. under this forum thread. Main idea is to share and exchange ideas, so it does not matter much if you are looking for ways to improve in a certain position/game or just want to share a fancy tactic. Stage is yours :)

Here is a game with a flashy tactic in the opening played by the-lone-wolf against FairyGirl:
The queen sac was unnecessary but I just had to do it :)

Well played. You developed your pieces effectively and exploited black's lack of development (black wasted time with useless moves like a6 Nd6 and Nb5) effectively by 0-0-0, Ne5, dxe5 opening the lines and finally with a nice finishing touch :)
got a few critical tempos on the queen here.

Again blacks main problem was wasting too much time in the opening without gaining anything (see position after 9th move), spent too much time on q-side instead of developing e8 knight and 0-0 etc, had to trade its best piece (bishop on b7) for a knight. Very nice that u went after initiative over material (Bxe1 etc). Well done.

nice games! NM visualdennis its good visualdennis NM!

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