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Lichess Chess 960 TEAM

Welcome to the official Lichess Chess960 Team!

We are the home of Chess960 fans across Lichess. Join the team for tournaments and other community-driven Chess960 events. Everyone is welcome to join!

VOTE here for the time control you would like to see more for Chess960 Tournaments


• Detailed Guide to Chess960 with history, strategy and opening tips as well as further resources.

• Table of all 960 starting positions (PDF)

• Castling Rules

Tournaments Schedule:

Time Day Event Time Control
Every hour* Every day Hourly Chess960 Various
19:00 UTC Wednesdays Weekly Chess960 Blitz Arena 3+0
11:00 UTC Saturdays Weekly Chess960 Team Battle 3+0
*Every hour, when there is no hourly created by Lichess itself, there will be tournament created by this official team

Links to these regular tournaments can be found below , if you scroll down a bit or here.

Additionally, if you are fan of team battles, you can find Daily Chess960 Team Battles hosted by Fischer Random Chess Center


• Share and discuss your games here

• Feel free to create a topic in the forum if you have questions, want to give feedback, or make suggestion for tournament ideas, events, format or any kind of thing.

• Lichess Arena Ranking

• Chess960 versions for other variants, such as Crazyhouse960 and Atomic960 can be played on Pychess. Every 2nd Monday of the month, Crazyhouse960 Shield takes place here

Lichess official variant teams

Lichess Chess960 • Lichess King of the Hill • Lichess Three-check • Lichess Antichess • Lichess Atomic • Lichess Horde • Lichess Racing Kings • Lichess Crazyhouse
Location: Lichess

Forum (14)

  1. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis DGTU

    nice games! NM visualdennis its good visualdennis NM!

  2. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis DGTU

    Again blacks main problem was wasting too much time in the opening without gaining anything (see position after 9th move), spent too much time on q-side instead of developing e8 knight and 0-0 etc, ha

  3. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis DGTU got a few critical tempos on the queen here.

  4. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis DGTU

    Well played. You developed your pieces effectively and exploited black's lack of development (black wasted time with useless moves like a6 Nd6 and Nb5) effectively by 0-0-0, Ne5, dxe5 opening the line

  5. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis DGTU The queen sac was unnecessary but I just had to do it :)

  6. Share your cool Chess960 games here for discussion or analysis DGTU

    Feel free to share your Chess960 games of which you are proud of, find cool in some way, or there has been an interesting tactic or strategical motif, or maybe simply something you'd like to analyse,

  7. What time control would you like to see more for Chess960 Tournaments? (Poll) DGTU

    @Patrizsche Agreed, Rapid Time Controls for Chess960 have been missing, especially 10+0 and 10+2. Also the current results of the on-going survey about TCs confirm that there is a clear demand for slo

  8. What time control would you like to see more for Chess960 Tournaments? (Poll) DGTU

    I think that a great way to help spread 960 tournaments would be to do exactly what the official Lichess Swiss Team does and just set up swiss tournaments that start every 6? hours for 1+0, 3+0, 5+0,

  9. What time control would you like to see more for Chess960 Tournaments? (Poll) DGTU

    I think what's truly missing for chess960 is 10+0

  10. What time control would you like to see more for Chess960 Tournaments? (Poll) DGTU

    You should send a team message linking to the poll, doubt many people will see this thread

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