List of player's who are request to join the discord server link-] @criptelworker 2] @france_defence 3] @chessdev 4] @abcdefgh123 5] @skittle 6] @ninja_checkmate_123
Dear @Official I don't have a Discord account.and I am not interested in making a Discord accountSo sorry! Thanks!
No problem But please fill up this form @CriptelWorker fill this form
@OfficialWhy Ph. Number?
Ph number bcoz if you win the tournament so how will i contact you to give your prize money @CriptelWorker
#2 same, and i don't want any money, thanks!
Well @Official You can contact us with email too!#6 Same.Thanks!
Ok @CriptelWorker @Chessdev Message me your email's on the chat box
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